
    Productivity grows with Tebis solutions

    Irmamolde mold manufacturer

    The fact that Portugal is slowly regaining the confidence of the international capital markets is thanks in no small part to energetic and innovative companies like Irmamolde. The mold manufacturer increased their revenues by approximately 20 percent in 2014 compared with the previous year. According to Managing Partner Belmiro Teixeira, this success is largely attributable to the Tebis software solutions.




    Maceira - Leiria, Portugal


    5-axis machining

    • Optimal price-to-performance ratio
    • Increased productivity
    • Long-term partnership

    Mold manufacturing



    Interviewee: Belmiro Teixeira, Managing Partner

    Tebis helps prevent collisions and generate reliable machining operations.

    Belmiro Teixeira, Managing Partner, Irmamolde, Maceira - Leiria, Portugal


    From its headquarters in Cavalinhos, Maceira, Irmamolde can look back on many years of experience in mold manufacturing. The company was initially founded in 1990 by its present managing director, Belmiro Teixeira, and his two brothers with two conventional milling machines. The name of the company is also derived from the Portuguese word for "brother," irmão: Irmamolde. The company produces high-quality injection molding tools for the plastics industry, and now has approximately 30 employees. Irmamolde's main markets are primarily Europe, with its traditionally robust automotive industry, and Mexico. Tebis Portugal supports the mold manufacturer directly on-site.

    "Tebis is the fastest software in the world for calculating programs, and it has an excellent reputation compared with other software products. With Tebis, we can avoid collisions and create reliable machining operations" – Teixeira summarizes why Irmamolde decided on Tebis. Since 1984, the company in Martinsried near Munich, Germany, has been offering services for mold manufacturers, and today their range of service includes operational advice and consulting in addition to the software. Tebis has developed CAD/CAM solutions that return remarkable results, according to Teixeira. In mold manufacturing in particular, this is of the utmost importance. Teixeira says: "Technology is very important in our industry. We need to be up to speed at all times and continuously take steps forward, otherwise important business opportunities are lost. The software plays a major role. Productivity finally also depends heavily on the performance of the software.”


    The Irmamolde company building in Cavalinhos, Maceria

    A clear decision for Tebis

    The experienced businessman is not surprised that companies that plan to increase their productivity with existing resources and a minimal investment frequently resort to Tebis. "We’ve used Tebis for some years for CAM applications and a 3-axis machine. We researched the market for an appropriate software solution, and we found in Tebis a reliable and strong partner. As a result, we will convert our entire CAM programming to Tebis," explains the managing partner at Irmamolde, a company "that is well-known for its superior response times and the lowest prices at consistently high quality." "We always strive for an optimal price/performance ratio. This sets us apart from other companies," says Teixeira.

    Industrial knowledge

    ... and excellent technical service

    "Direct and indirect exports account for 90%of our company’s revenue, of which the automotive sector has a share of 80%. This year our revenue will increase by approximately 20% compared with the previous fiscal year of 2013, when we had a turnover of €1.6 million," says Teixeira. Thanks to this positive development, the company can continue investing in equipment, software and installations. "As a rule, companies are looking for the best and most reliable software product when they need it," says Teixeira. "After we tested and compared Tebis and the software products from other vendors, we found that Tebis best meets our expectations and provides the most security. Tebis also offers functions that are missing in other products." The software is used in particular for milling at Irmamolde. The software is primarily used for calculating milling programs for CNC machining, that is, for CAM applications: "Tebis is the best product on the market and can be easily adapted to the ongoing technological developments in our company. Tebis continues to develop and closely follow all technical advances in the field," says the managing partner. He emphasizes that Tebis "has in-depth expertise in mold manufacturing, good technicians and excellent service, which also positively affects our productivity and thus our company. For these reasons, we plan to continue our business relationship with Tebis over the long term," concludes the company’s founder.

    Belmiro Teixeira, Managing Partner of Irmamolde, next to a machine where a component programmed with Tebis is being manufactured.
    "Tebis continues to develop and closely follow all technological progress. The company has in-depth expertise in mold manufacturing, good technicians and excellent service. This positively affects our productivity and thus our company. For these reasons, we plan to continue our business relationship with Tebis over the long term.” Belmiro Teixeira, managing partner of Irmamolde
    Personnel from Tebis Portugal: Pedro Bernardo, Ricardo Rodrigues, Eduardo Antunes, Sandra Machado, Ricardo Franco, Hermínio Ferreira and Marco Mendes (from left to right)