
    Industrial consulting from Tebis Consulting: Improved efficiency for medium-sized companies

    Are you looking to improve your competitiveness and profits, but don't have the time or the right contacts? Tebis Consulting helps medium-sized companies work more efficiently, lower their costs and enhance employee satisfaction.

    Our focus: Clear strategies and digitalization of your processes. We work together with your team to identify realistic goals and specific measures. And we even take it a step further: We support you throughout the implementation phase until you see real improvements.

    Our experts aren't just consultants; they also actively work to promote the interests of the SME manufacturing industry.

    Let's work together to improve your company's future!

    I trusted Tebis Consulting because, as an external consultant with extensive industry experience, they offer a better chance to include all employees.

    Ralf Dürrwächter, Managing Director, VDWF
    I experienced Tebis Consulting as a partner who supports us in preventing daily business from holding back improvements and change. A consultant who communicates with everyone on an equal basis and establishes understanding and trust.
    Andreas Scheffold, Head of Preproduction, Mast Kunststoffe GmbH
    I trust Tebis Consulting because I value good and authentic relationships.
    Thorsten Kerner, Managing Director, Kerner CAD FOR CAM GmbH
    I trust Tebis Consulting, because their on-site analysis and involvement of employees enables them to determine and implement realistic recommended actions.
    Peter Pakulla, Commercial Managing Director, Pakulla GmbH Formen-und Werkzeugbau

    Tebis Consulting has enabled us to involve our employees from the very beginning. The measures developed in the team are supported on all levels. This makes implementation far easier.

    Michael Gauch and Roland Pfletschinger, Managing Directors, Pfletschinger & Gauch GmbH

    I trust Tebis Consulting, because as an external consultant with extensive industry experience they offer a better chance of involving all employees.

    Matthias Croner, Managing Director, Croner Formenbau
    I trust Tebis Consulting because meetings with business and operations management and with employees are on an equal footing.
    Horst Schmidt, Managing Director, Pelz-Technik
    I trust Tebis Consulting because they’re competent, fast, flexible and persistent.
    Carsten Nacke, Managing Director, SNW Formenbau

    Clear recommendations for optimization of our processes and our future digitalization strategy were developed in a highly pragmatic process analysis. Industry 4.0 Scouting is perfectly tailored to the requirements of small and medium-sized manufacturers.

    Sigmund Grimm, Managing Partner, Hommel+Keller Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH

    Our customers are enthusiastic about the quality of our products and our on-time delivery. Tebis Consulting has certainly played a large role in enabling us to work so efficiently today.

    Kaspar Hürlimann, Managing Director, Formbar AG, Kirchdorf, Switzerland

    Our services in industrial consulting

    Choose the consulting focus based on your needs

    Management consulting

    Our management consulting defines a clear direction for your company that is viable for the future and works with you to develop a mission statement, vision, strategy and goals as well as clear organizational structures and responsibilities.

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    Process consulting

    Our consulting for manufacturing processes maximizes your productivity by our working together with everyone involved to make your operational processes more efficient and to standardize, digitalize and automate manufacturing processes.

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    Technology consulting

    We support you with our technology consulting in the introduction and optimization of new and innovative technologies. We involve the affected parties and establish a basis for decisions on possible investments.

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    Sustainability consulting

    With our consulting on sustainable production, we bring clarity to your CO2 emissions and help you to reduce them. We also establish the prerequisites for the verifications and reports your customers need.

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    Seminars for the manufacturing industry with Tebis Consulting

    Improve your company's efficiency and success with our practical seminars.

     We provide you with applicable knowledge that strengthens your managers on both a professional and interpersonal level.

    What our seminars offer:

    • Practice-oriented expertise for production and management
    • Specific actions to improve efficiency and quality
    • Improved professional and management skills

    Target group:

    • Managing directors and senior employees in management
    • Production managers looking to optimize processes

    Your benefits:

    • Strategies that can be immediately applied in day-to-day work
    • Sustainable competitive improvement
    • Getting to know us and using our expert knowledge to improve your success!

    Seminars focusing on strategy & management

    Seminars focusing on production management