
    Ultimate CAD/CAM versatility in a single application

    Whether it’s multi-axis simultaneous milling, deep-hole drilling, turn milling, or electrode machining – you can handle any task with Tebis CAM

    From basic jobs to the most complex, Tebis CAM can tackle it

    Can you quickly, safely, and automatically handle any manufacturing task with a single CAD/CAM application? Yes, you can.

    Since 1984, we have worked closely with our customers from the manufacturing industry to refine our solution. The result is the comprehensive technology, functions, and strategies needed to provide the best solution for every job, no matter how tricky.
    More than software, Tebis is networked manufacturing

    We don't just offer software. We provide optimal processes.

    More and more companies from different industry sectors are collaborating with our Tebis experts to refine and streamline their work processes.

    Together, the networked manufacturing environment and your fully digitalized manufacturing knowledge help ensure your company is future proof. 

    Does your everyday work include “diabolically” complex parts?
    Not a problem. We've got the solution. 

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    It’s said the devil is in the details. That’s never more true than in manufacturing highly complex parts, where a minor oversight can quickly become a nasty surprise.
    But with Tebis you can relax – the unexpected has no chance.​​​
    Tebis CAD/CAM: Software with a difference
    Plan and program using digital twins right from the start. Then easily create safe NC programs in the virtual CAM environment.
    Automated CAM programming saves a huge amount of time due to standardized templates that are quick to generate and easy to maintain.
    Integration of the desired machine movements in the virtual machine model results in a safe NC output suitable for machining from the postprocessor.
    Rely on smooth, accurate and complete data transfer – with all geometric and structural information.
    Get assistance fast to keep the ball rolling – including regular software updates, help desk, and customer community.
    Digitalize the manufacturing environment and manufacturing knowledge – standardized, simple, automated programming and manufacturing.
    Manufacture more efficiently with planning and control and always deliver on time – specially customized for the challenges of single-part manufacturing.
    Work with our highly experienced experts to identify weaknesses and fully tap into potential – for efficient and reliable manufacturing.
    Clients in die, model, and mold manufacturing, production machining, and plant engineering have relied on Tebis CAD/CAM software for almost 40 years

    To reduce our collision rate to zero and to simultaneously save time-consuming checking after postprocessing, we used a simulation with millimeter accuracy of the machine model and the tools in the virtual world. Only Tebis was able to do this.

    Hermann Geueke, Head of machining, GEDIA Gebrüder Dingerkus GmbH, Germany

    Tebis lets us automate many processes, and users lose no time working with different files. These advantages are especially prominent when there are design changes.

    Ryan Hotchkiss, Head of manufacturing at Integrity Tool and Mold, Canada

    From our first introduction to CNC manufacturing to our collaboration that’s lasted many years, we’ve had nothing but good experiences with Tebis Software and Services. The Tebis technicians are always quick to find the appropriate solution. 

    Tobias Theven, Head of CNC manufacturing, Theven Modell- und Formenbau GmbH, Germany

    Tebis Automill – Dedicated to CAD/CAM automation since 1984

    In the 1990s, Tebis revolutionized NC programming with our Automill® technology.
    Tebis was the first 3D CAM system to run on a PC.
    Today, we automate much more than just milling in the manufacturing industry.

    CNC programming

    Tebis CNC programming greatly reduces programming and setup time in the overall process chain. Tebis combines speed, reliability and a high degree of automation with the greatest possible flexibility. The portfolio includes industry-specific solutions for all areas, including 2.5D, 3D and 5-axis machining.

    CNC automation
    Tebis Automill® evaluates the digital CAD part model and accesses a previously stored structure of digital representations of the company's manufacturing environment and the manufacturing knowledge stored in templates to calculate the NC programs.
    CNC simulator

    The Tebis CNC Simulator lets you fully plan, program and check your NC machining operations in the Tebis CNC programming environment. All of the components in your real manufacturing environment – including tools, machines, clamping devices and units – are stored down to the last detail as digital twins in the virtual programming environment. 

    Multiple setup

    Tebis lets you separate NC programming and setup planning. NC programming and machining can be done independently in terms of time and organization. Parts and clamping devices are also protected from collisions.

    Robotic machining

    Tebis supports robots for all types of machining. Because you’re programming with a virtual robot (digital twin) right from the start, there are no surprises later due to recalculation or other issues. You can therefore proceed directly from the CAD data to the completed robotic machining program with no detours.



    2.5D milling

    Prismatic machining can be completely automated based on individual process libraries using Tebis template technology. Programming on the machine is eliminated and NC programming at the Tebis workstation is simple.

    3D milling

    Free-form machining lets you combine all your strategies for roughing, finishing and residual stock machining in the Tebis Job Manager. You can use convenient template technology and ensure collision avoidance already in the CAM environment.

    5-axis milling

    Tebis 5-axis milling lets you tap into the full potential of your valuable high-performance machines: Collision-free programs can be easily planned and calculated for all multi-axis machining operations. Simultaneous 5-axis strategies that are customized for specific manufacturing tasks make NC programming simple – especially in conjunction with Tebis template technology. 

    High-efficiency roughing

    Compared with conventional roughing, time savings of over 60 percent can be achieved with adaptive roughing using special HPC cutters with very large cutting depths. The path layout is perfectly adapted to the geometry with no full cuts. 

    HFC milling

    HFC tools allow you to achieve high machining rates at high feed rates. Tebis calculates the residual stock with absolute precision: The maximum amount of possible material is removed. HFC tools can therefore be used optimally with Tebis, not only for roughing but also for prefinishing. 

    Circle-segment cutters

    Circle-segment cutters have a special geometry that saves you up to 80 percent of the time required for prefinishing and finishing compared to machining with ball cutters. Tebis supports all these kinds of efficient high-performance tools – because each tool can be modeled with precise attention to detail in the virtual CAM environment. 

    Rib and slot milling

    Automated CAD and CAM functions make rib and slot milling very simple. All areas that are suitable for slot milling are automatically detected by the system and divided into categories, like the bottom, flanks and radii. These areas can then be machined using suitable strategies based on templates.


    Quickly and reliably generate toolpaths for 5-axis trimming of parts with Tebis. Collisions with other component areas, clamping devices and machine components are excluded. Offline programming lets you avoid tedious teach-in and unproductive use of the machine. 

    Cleverly combining turning and milling

    Combined turn-milling can be used to perform end-to-end turning and milling operations on a single machine without reclamping.

    That’s why this method is highly efficient, reducing costs and throughput time.

    In addition to turn-milling and mill-turning, Tebis also supports interpolation turning.



    CNC drilling

    Tebis lets you program simple bores and complex multi-sided machining operations right at your CAM workplace. Strategies for centering, countersinking, reaming, thread cutting, thread milling and milling fittings are included. You benefit from automated manufacturing templates and shortened traverse paths using virtual machine technology. 

    Deep-hole drilling

    Tebis offers an automated, reliable and complete solution for deep-hole drilling that you can use to achieve excellent high cutting performance. You can also benefit from functions such as automatic detection of spot facings or sorting and grouping of features by tilt direction and machining sequence.



    CNC turning

    Streamline CNC programs for your machines with Tebis‘ complete digital Tebis manufacturing environment. Create safe, collision-checked programs, enabling fast and reliable manufacturing of both simple and complex parts.


    With Tebis, you can deliver NC programs to machines with turning, milling and drilling functions. Operating turn-milling machines with minimal user intervention and monitoring demands specific considerations within the CAD/CAM process.

    Cleverly combining turning and milling

    Combined turn-milling can be used to perform end-to-end turning and milling operations on a single machine without reclamping.

    That’s why this method is highly efficient, reducing costs and throughput time.

    In addition to turn-milling and mill-turning, Tebis also supports interpolation turning.



    Sinker EDM

    Tebis puts you in control of the complexities of sinker EDM – from automatic detection to convenient, database-supported design, methodical NC machining, to measurement of the finished electrodes.

    Wire EDM

    Tebis provides wire EDM functions for precisely manufactured parts with highly complex geometry, maximum quality requirements and the smallest corner radii: for example, components in die and mold manufacturing and the medical and aerospace industries. 


    Laser processing

    3D laser cutting

    You can quickly and easily calculate collision-checked NC programs for 3D laser cutting with Tebis. You can use these to cut your sheet-metal parts no matter how complex the geometry. Offline programmingletsyou avoid tedious teach-in andunproductive use of the machine.

    Laser hardening

    You can easily create NC programs for laser hardening systems with Tebis. This specific hardening of highly-stressed areas of steel and cast steel parts doesn’t typically require any re-machining. This lets you finish-machine the components in the unhardened state in single-part production in mold, die or machine manufacturing. 

    Laser weld cladding

    You can create NC programs for laser weld cladding systems with Tebis. This enables a targeted application of coatings in modified areas with essentially no distortion. You can quickly and easily repair areas, apply material to modified areas and refine component areas.


    More than just software – Tebis offers 100% process experience in the manufacturing industry

    Whether it’s user training courses, intelligent process solution and manufacturing management tools, or consulting on an equal footing – Tebis has everything you need to maximize the efficiency of your manufacturing processes.

    Tebis software services for your every need

    Our application experts can train your users and support you through our hotline.

    We digitalize both your manufacturing environment and your manufacturing knowledge and guide you through the digital transition.

    Regular updates for your Tebis software are included in the license.

    MES software for manufacturing management 

    ProLeiS MES gives you a clear view of planned, ongoing, and potential projects.

    With ProLeiS, you can plan and control your resources, deliver on time, and evaluate order data.

    This full visibility lets you optimize your manufacturing processes and production capacity.

    Industrial consulting from Tebis Consulting: Improved efficiency for medium-sized companies

    Practical consulting for medium-sized manufacturing companies

    Are you looking to improve your competitiveness and profits, but don't have the time or the right contacts? Tebis Consulting helps medium-sized companies work more efficiently, lower their costs and enhance employee satisfaction.

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