
    CAD interfaces

    Creating connections to other CAD systems

    Tebis provides you with interfaces to all commonly available CAD systems. You can rest easy if your customers change design systems. The powerful connections ensure a smooth, two-way and extremely reliable data transfer. Depending on the format, you can transfer both geometric and structural data, including assemblies, layers, sets, filters, and color information. Tebis also includes many special interfaces, such as for reading in digitized data and features. 

    Tebis is compatible with OEM processes
    Via the latest direct and standard interfaces
    Greater process reliability 
    With the transfer of geometric and structural data including features

    Tebis direct interfaces

    Catia V5

    • Import graphic representation (meshes and boundary curves)
    • Import structure information (assembly)
    • Import geometric representation (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements)
    • Import tolerances and notation information
    • Export geometry (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements) in CATIA V5 format


    • Import graphic representation (meshes and boundary curves)
    • Import structure information (assembly)
    • Import geometric representation (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements)
    • Import tolerances and notation information
    • Export geometry (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements) in NX format


    • Import graphic representation (meshes and boundary curves)
    • Import structure information (assembly)
    • Import geometric representation (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements)
    • Import tolerances and notation information


    • Import graphic representation (meshes and boundary curves)
    • Import geometric representation (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements)
    • Import structure information (assembly)

    Catia V4

    • Import graphic representation (meshes and boundary curves)
    • Import geometric representation (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements)
    • Export geometry (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements) in CATIA V4 format
    • Import 2D geometry                                                


    • Import graphic representation (meshes and boundary curves)
    • Import structure information (assembly)
    • Import geometric representation (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements)
    • Import tolerances and notation information


    • Import graphic representation (meshes and boundary curves)
    • Import structure information (assembly)
    • Import geometric representation (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements)
    • Import tolerances and notation information

    Tebis standard interfaces


    • Import graphic representation (meshes and boundary curves)
    • Import geometric representation (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements)
    • Export geometry (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements) in VDAFS format


    • Import graphic representation (meshes and boundary curves)
    • Import geometric representation (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements)
    • Import structure information (assembly)
    • Export geometry (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements) in STEP format


    • Import graphic representation (meshes and boundary curves)
    • Import geometric representation (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements)
    • Import tolerances and notation information


    • Import Nastran files



    • Import graphic representation (meshes and boundary curves)
    • Import geometric representation (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements)
    • Export geometry (surfaces, curves, auxiliary elements) in VDAIS format


    • Import STL files
    • Export geometry (curves, auxiliary elements) in STL format                      


    • Import HPGL files


    • Import Autoform files

    Tebis special interfaces


    • Import digitized data in specific manufacturer formats


    • Import feature information in feature formats
    • Export feature information in feature formats


    • Export electrode information in Winstat format