
    CAD software specialized for manufacturing 

    Creating, supplementing and modifying CAD models with Tebis


    The time between order receipt and delivery deadlines in the manufacturing industry is consistently shortening. The CAD model is the digital template for the real part to be manufactured. High surface quality in the CAD model is a prerequisite forhigh quality in the finished components. Well-prepared CAD models also form the basis for automatable NC programming. All manufacturing preparation and design tasks can be highly automated with parametric/associative surface and solid technology. The entire component is automatically updated when element parameters are changed. Using Tebis templates is especially time-saving, in the CADenvironment: It can be used to standardize repetitive design activities in templates, such as for component variants or similar input data

    Tebis CAD software components provide a wide range of options for editing production-optimized design tasks in a variety of industries. These include:

    • Creation of CAD free-form surfaces, designing with points, curves and surfaces in 3D space combined with ruled geometry
    • Reverse engineering for transforming the 3D scans of real parts in CAD surface models (digital CAD twin)
    • Design preparation of existing CAD models for their NC manufacture on milling machines, lathes, laser cutting machines and additional methods
    • Derivation of electrode geometry from the part geometry to be produced in mold manufacturing
    • Creation of active surface geometry in sheet-metal draw-die manufacturing
    • Compensation of springback effects in sheet-metal parts in sheet-metal draw-die manufacturing
    • Qualitative optimization of existing surface models
    High surface quality
    Fulfills the stringent demands for the manufacture of outer skin parts
    Made for experts
    Robust CAD technology that always delivers results
    Enormous savings
    Use design templates with the new Tebis Version 4.1
    Preparing CAD models for manufacturing

    Fast and safe with combined solid and surface technology in Tebis: The better a CAD model is prepared for NC manufacturing, the less time and effort needs to be invested in NC programming. In many cases, NC programming can proceed automatically in Tebis.

    Designing and manufacturing active surfaces to exact specifications

    Tebis offers automated design functions with which active surface designers can include sheet thickness, thinning effects and reliefs in the design of the CAD active surfaces. This results in significant time savings in NC programming, machining and tryout.

    Compensating springback in CAD

    While mechanical compensation introduced by grinding the die requires an enormous time expenditure, the approved sheet metal die geometry can be arrived at far more quickly through the implementation of deformation technology in the CAD surfaces.

    Electrode design

    EDM areas can be automatically analyzed in Tebis Electrode Design. Users can use this feature to generate electrode geometry with powerful CAD functions. Using a design wizard and libraries ensures standardization and greater reliability when creating complete electrodes.  

    Using reverse engineering to align the CAD world with the real world

    Reverse engineering is used everywhere that work is performed manually on real objects and in the CAD model. In model manufacturing, design objects and vehicles modeled in clay are scanned and transferred to CAD surfaces. In die manufacturing, manual changes to sheet-metal dies in the tryout phase are scanned and the existing CAD model is updated based on the scanned data.

    Automatically and manually optimize CAD surface quality

    CAD surface quality results from the algorithmic properties of the CAD systems used, from the design history and from conversion processes via interfaces. CAD data with qualitative deficiencies often has to be imported and further processed in order to manufacture molds and dies. Tebis helps optimize surface quality.

    CAD interfaces for smooth data transfer

    Establish connections to other CAD systems via direct and standard interfaces. Our CAD interfaces ensure a smooth, two-way and extremely reliable data transfer.

    Tebis Viewer – Analyzing parts

    The Tebis Viewer improves the flow of information between design and manufacturing and ensures complete and up-to-date documentation with a clear version status. Throughput is accelerated, especially in connection with Tebis CAD/CAM workplaces, with simultaneously increased process reliability. 
