
    Social responsibility

    Social responsibility is a top priority at Tebis. It’s an integral part of our mission, and is something we put into practice every day in our corporate culture. "We’re fully committed to the community," says Bernhard Rindfleisch, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Tebis AG. Tebis ensures a healthy work/life balance and creates secure jobs for its employees.

    Tebis is also involved in social and cultural activities and encourages employees to make personal commitments to these projects. At least once a year, Tebis supports regional and international social projects.

    Donations rather than gifts

    During the 2023 holiday season, Tebis is again promoting its "Donations rather than gifts" campaign.

    This year, we’re supporting seven regional projects and one international project with donations instead of sending holiday gifts to customers and partners. We’re sure that this will be appreciated by all involved.The projects we’re supporting were selected by Tebis employees at the head office in Martinsried and at the subsidiaries in Germany.

    Those responsible are in personal contact with the organizations. They’re independently organizing the necessary measures and are working passionately to implement them.

    "We’re extremely grateful for the generous involvement of our employees."

    Bernhard Rindfleisch, Tebis AG Chairman of the Supervisory Board

    Tebis is supporting the following institutions and projects in its 2023 "Donations rather than gifts" program:

    LichtBlick Seniorenhilfe e.V.

    Since 2003, LichtBlick Seniorenhilfe e.V. has been helping seniors whose pensions are insufficient for a life of dignity and social participation. With the help of donations, this association can provide quick, unbureaucratic and very personal financial assistance to seniors in need.

    Hannover Volunteer Center

    This year as every year, no child should go empty-handed. Tebis supports the Hannover Volunteer Center in fulfilling the Christmas wishes of children from troubled city districts.

    For over 10 years, the Hannover Volunteer Center has done its utmost to fulfill the individual Christmas wishes of children from families in need.

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    MitMenschlichkeit Foundation, Hamburg

    The Diakonie-Stiftung MitMenschlichkeit Foundation is a resource for people in need  in Hamburg.
    What’s provided:
    • Medical care for people with no health insurance
    • Counseling and care for the homeless
    • Accompanying elderly or sick people
    • Support for children and families in need, so that children can really be children

    Pro Göncruszka Association

    The Pro Göncruszka Association in Zurich provides assistance for integration and support projects involving school, kindergarten and the community in the village of Göncruszka in northeastern Hungary.

    With a population of roughly 600, Göncruszka is fraught with high poverty, a lack of education institutions and few prospects for young people: After finishing elementary school, they usually leave the area. Only the elderly and many Roma people remain behind. They live on welfare in old, often very rundown houses and usually have only a rudimentary education.

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    Meals for Children, Göppingen

    The Bündnis für Familie Göppingen e.V. provides free lunches on site at the SOS aid center for children and young people, especially those from families afflicted by poverty, and is financed entirely by donations. The free lunch is accompanied by educational offerings.

    Hannöversche Tafel

    The goal of the Hannöversche Tafel is to help people around us who are in need. Despite the many voluntary activities, this isn’t possible without financial support. Transportation, logistics, office and storage space all cost money. The Tafel receives no government funding and is financed entirely by donations.

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    Bavarian Red Cross: Pilsensee water rescue team

    For over 50 years the Pilsensee has provided an organized lifesaving operation – staffed by volunteers committed to helping others. The Wasserwacht (Water Safety Association) is officially responsible for lifeguard duties and water rescues, including monitoring swimming areas and conducting rescue operations during swimming and drowning incidents.
    The Wasserwacht is funded solely by donations.

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    Animal shelter in Starnberg

    A staff of about 20 full-time and part-time workers cares for domestic and wild animals in distress in the roughly 6,300 m² area surrounding the Tierheim Starnberg animal shelter. They’re supported by approximately 50 volunteer helpers, without whose commitment the animal shelter couldn’t be operated.

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