
    NC manufacturing in the aerospace industry

    CAD/CAM with MES and NC verification from a single source

    The companies manufacturing for the aerospace industry are among the best. Part geometries and materials used are subject to strict requirements. First-class machines and tools are used, and these must be operated economically and efficiently. The reliability requirements for aerospace parts leave no room for manufacturer error. Therefore, the most stringent demands for reliability, quality and efficiency must be met. This can be supported by CAD/CAM with MES, verification and simulation of NC programs with Tebis.

    Improving performance with Tebis

    Fully utilize machining centers in collision-free operations with minimal positioning and machining times
    Better use of personnel: Faster creation of NC programs with the highest quality
    Program all methods and strategies with a single system • Compatible with all existing process chains
    Process consulting with industry experience • Implementation service for turnkey processes

    Digital twins

    Benefits from machining centers with digital twins

    You work hard to ensure the optimal use of your machining centers to manufacture parts for the aerospace industry. You need fast setups, minimal positioning times, reliable resource planning and capacity control as well as highly efficient NC programs.

    It's good if you can rely on these workflows before the orders even sent to the machine. How does it work? 

    Complete and true-to-life digital mapping of your manufacturing lets you check in advance what will happen later in the actual setting. Tebis CAD/CAM provides you with digital twins of your manufacturing resources – machines, tools, clamping devices etc. Even before the first toolpath is calculated, you can clamp the part virtually on the machine and select the correct clamping devices, cutting tools and machining directions.

    With the Tebis ProLeiS MES system, you can use templates to define and plan all manufacturing steps. Automatic resource assignment enables you to optimally utilize your personnel and machines and meet your delivery deadlines.

    Because the virtual environment follows along throughout the entire programming, it provides reliable and integrated NC simulation and verification. The created NC programs have minimized idle toolpaths and are collision-free from the very start. The setup and clamping devices are documented. Your structure, engine or landing gear parts are manufactured smoothly, no matter how large and complex the machines.

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    Programation, simulation and verification of the landing gear manufacturing with interchangeable heads and CNC dividing heads in one single environment.

    Need for qualified personnel

    Mitigating the shortage of qualified personnel

    You have to keep manufacturing and NC programming running even though it is increasingly difficult to find qualified personnel. This requires that you relieve your staff of routine tasks and ensure that knowledge is readily available. This also simplifies training of new employees.

    It's beneficial if you can rely on these points even before NC programming starts. How can this be achieved?

    Save existing manufacturing knowledge easily and without programming training. All employees must be able to access this information with the same ease.

    Use Tebis CAD/CAM to create manufacturing templates for all levels. This may involve the optimal use of individual tools or tool sequences for specific machining operations such as threads, tolerance fits etc. to complete machining processes for families of parts – such as molds and fixtures for composite processing. The templates can be automated to the extent that they automatically find the relevant geometry elements, regardless of the system in which the data were designed. This reduces programming times and increases quality, because all your employees can benefit from the knowledge of their most skilled colleagues.
    Integrated NC simulation and verification is a further help when qualified personnel are in short supply, because reliable NC programs are a prerequisite for multiple-machine operation.


    Complex manufacturing

    Manage complex manufacturing tasks

    You are responsible for manufacturing large, complex parts. You use a wide range of machining types and technologies to achieve the maximum material removal rate − even in materials that are difficult to machine.

    It's good to know that you can rely on these points before the work planner and NC programmer even get started. What do you need in order to do this?

    Plan, manage and calculate all manufacturing methods and all strategies in a single comprehensive system.

    Tebis CAD/CAM lets you program all machining operations – from 2.5 D to 5-axis simultaneous machining. You can also control many other machining types, such as turning, laser cutting, laser hardening or wire EDM, via a central Job Manager. Conventional machines and machining robots can be programmed in the same way. The Tebis ProLeiS MES system provides scheduled and defined orders and subtasks for all employees and machines.

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    Efficient manufacturing of structural parts with circle-segment cutters

    Many strategies proven in practice give you the best possible equipment for precision machining of aluminum, Inconel, titanium and other demanding materials. Use HPC, HFC and circle-segment cutters in 3-axis and 5-axis machining for especially efficient roughing, finishing and residual stock machining. Robust interfaces for platforms including Catia, NX and SolidWorks give you compatibility with all customers.

    Customer response

    Fuel for optimal production processes

    "Since the implementation of Tebis at Secondo Mona, we’ve been manufacturing increasingly complex parts. We can now approach the part precisely within half a millimeter when positioning, because we have the 3D model of the machine and tools in the library and we work in advance on collision avoidance."

    Fabio Bertesina, Manufacturing Engineering NC Programmer

    Secondo Mona S.p.A., Somma Lombardo (VA), Italy

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    High-tech partner with direct interface

    "We have to have complete trust in our CAM software provider. If there is a problem, someone from Tebis is always there to find solutions. This can't be measured in financial terms"

    Thomas Jäger, Managing director

    Alpex Technologies GmbH, Mils, Austria

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    Highly specialized yet diverse

    "When we decided to go with Tebis, we really hit the bull’s-eye. We were immediately impressed by the many milling strategies for all of our application areas. The collision checking is also very precise – better than what we saw in other systems."

    Richard Kurz, NC programmer

    Wethje Carbon Composites GmbH, Hengersberg, Germany

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    Advanced Integration Technology, LP • Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH • Applications Composites • Applied Composites • Ascent Aerospace, LLC • Aubert & Duval • AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Corporation • Coaero Groupe Jogam • Com. Stamp s.r.l. • DEDIENNE MULTIPLASTURGY® GROUP • Ferry Capitain • Groupe AGS • Grunewald Group • Honeywell Aerospace Olomouc s.r.o. • HUTCHINSON® Composite Industrie • JET CUT SA • Kale Pratt & Whitney • Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH • Madlener Produktionssysteme GmbH & Co. KG • Poggipolini S.R.L. • Safran Power Units SAS MICROTURBO • Secondo Mona S.P.A. • SIBI KEP Technologies Group • UTC Aerospace Systems Collins Aerospace

    Your solution

    Tebis CAD/CAM ad MES software for the aerospace industry

    No matter whether you’re looking for a strictly CAD/CAM software solution or you also want use MES software to plan and control your production – we have exactly what you need. We professionally analyze the solution you need to achieve the desired productivity improvement and ensure complete implementation.

    CAD software specialized for manufacturing 

    Designers, planners and NC programmers use Tebis CAD modules for manufacturing-related design tasks. This goes quickly and is highly automated with parametric/associative surface and solid technology. Creating, supplementing, modifying and improving CAD models ensure large savings – also in subsequent processes. 

    CAM software for many manufacturing methods

    Tebis CAD/CAM software lets you quickly, easily and automatically create collision-free NC programs for many manufacturing methods – including drilling, milling, turning, turning/milling, robotic milling, trimming, sinker EDM, wire EDM, 3D laser cutting, laser hardening and laser weld cladding.

    MES software for manufacturing management 

    ProLeiS MES gives you a clear view of planned, ongoing, and potential projects.

    With ProLeiS, you can plan and control your resources, deliver on time, and evaluate order data.

    This full visibility lets you optimize your manufacturing processes and production capacity.



    Our services for your CAD/CAM and MES processes

    We offer far more than just software: Our goal is to ensure that you’re just as pleased with our solutions as we are. We advise you, work together to find the right process structures and support you in implementation.

    Tebis software services for your every need

    Our application experts can train your users and support you through our hotline.

    We digitalize both your manufacturing environment and your manufacturing knowledge and guide you through the digital transition.

    Regular updates for your Tebis software are included in the license.

    Digital manufacturing environment

    We prepare exact virtual models of your manufacturing environment. This way your Tebis installation knows all about your machines, tools, units and controls. The flow of information from design to manufacturing is transparent, and this provides a solid foundation for further automation.

    Digital order processing

    Projects are easier to manage if your processes are clearly defined and are available to everyone in a single system. The ProLeiS MES software lets you digitally plan, control and evaluate all technical, organizational and logistical processes, from the initial inquiry to the finished product.


    In Trainings und Webinaren vermitteln wir Ihren Mitarbeitern die Anwendung der Software und die neuesten Entwicklungen. Nach einem Training können sie Zielvorgaben schneller erfüllen und flexibler eingesetzt werden.

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    Management and process consulting by Tebis Consulting

    We help you to critically assess and improve your company and your processes. What sets us apart: Not only do our consultants have outstanding consulting expertise, they also know the aerospace manufacturing industry inside-out – as can be seen from over 250 successful projects and awards like the "Best of Consulting Mittelstand 2018" from the Wirtschaftswoche magazine.

    Tebis Consulting

    Awarded again: "Best of Consulting Mittelstand 2022" from WirtschaftsWoche for a customer project.

    Would a critical evaluation of management issues help you optimize processes?

    Our consultants have firsthand experience and a high degree of expertise in the manufacturing industry.


    Would you like to learn more?

    We’ll be happy to answer your questions about topics like:

    • Complex manufacturing tasks
    • Digital twins
    • The lack of qualified personnel
    • Software and services