
    Digitalizing manufacturing knowledge

    Access proven and optimized manufacturing knowledge

    Digitalize your knowledge. Not in a spreadsheet, but right where your users can access it: in your Tebis installation. Use Automill® technology.

    With our support. Our application engineers configure Tebis according to your requirements and integrate your proven and optimized manufacturing knowledge in process libraries. All authorized users can access the data at any time – quickly and repeatedly.

    Your libraries can be protected for exclusive use in your company. They can be used at all Tebis workstations at your installation.

    Before implementation, we evaluate your manufacturing processes and methods for frequently repeated work methods. These can be standardized using standards and templates in Tebis, significantly increasing your level of automation. Your employees can access the same information, from design to manufacturing, repeatedly and with no mixups.

    You'll minimize errors, make the best possible use of programming and machine capacities and increase your performance.

    Time savings
    Achieve shorter programming, setup and machining times with templates
    Use the same procedures across departments with no mixups
    Only accessible within your company

    Filling the feature library

    For design and manufacturing preparation

    We store standardized geometry templates for parametric manufacturing objects like bores, fittings and pockets in your Tebis feature library and link them with suitable manufacturing sequences (NCSets).

    You can also supplement your library objects yourself at any time. 

    Features are included in your CAD manufacturing files using the intelligent feature scanner and by manual insertion.

    If parts contain NC features from the Tebis feature library, NC programming for these objects proceeds completely automatically.

    Features for the example of deep holes

    Filling the NCSet library

    For NC automation

    We integrate standardized manufacturing sequences into your NCSet library for all features and other frequently recurring manufacturing processes. NCSets consist of several NC calculation functions linked to each other with information on strategies, tools and calculation parameters. You can expand your NCSet library on your own at any time. 

    NC programming with NC sets is automatic. You save a lot of time.

    Store intelligent Job Managers

    For the same and similar manufacturing tasks

    We prepare templates for the same or similar manufacturing tasks with structures of any complexity. Your NC programmers use these intelligent templates and save significant time thanks to the automated functions. The NCJobs contained in the Job Managers automatically identify the geometry to be manufactured (AutoSelect) and use the information on tool use, strategies and cutting data stored in the templates. 

    This lets you complete even complex manufacturing tasks quickly, easily and reliably

    NCJobs and Job Managers

    Tebis lets us automate many processes, and users lose no time working with different files. These advantages are especially prominent when there are design changes.

    Ryan Hotchkiss, Head of manufacturing at Integrity Tool and Mold, Canada

    The benefits for your performance


    With digitalized manufacturing knowledge:

    • Incorporate individual experience
    • Transfer information between departments
    • Reduce complexity and effort
    • Save time and minimize errors
    • Also suitable for less experienced employees
    • Implement changes more easily
    • Increase automation
    • Get started in Industry 4.0

    Additional information

    Digital manufacturing environment

    We prepare exact virtual models of your manufacturing environment. This way your Tebis installation knows all about your machines, tools, units and controls. The flow of information from design to manufacturing is transparent, and this provides a solid foundation for further automation.

    Digital order processing

    Projects are easier to manage if your processes are clearly defined and are available to everyone in a single system. The ProLeiS MES software lets you digitally plan, control and evaluate all technical, organizational and logistical processes, from the initial inquiry to the finished product.


    In Trainings und Webinaren vermitteln wir Ihren Mitarbeitern die Anwendung der Software und die neuesten Entwicklungen. Nach einem Training können sie Zielvorgaben schneller erfüllen und flexibler eingesetzt werden.

    Mehr erfahren

    Our Tebis webinars give you practical insight into Tebis CAD/CAM software and the ProLeiS MES. Our experts present software developments, provide clear explanations of processes and functions and provide you with helpful tips. We answer your questions in the live chat session. Stay up to date. Register today. 

    Any questions?

    We'll be happy to answer them.

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